
How to change your Google services location

Several services in Google depends on your location, in particular on Google Play (things like apps, devices, contents can be restricted to some countries), but what to do if you relocate and want to update your information to access those exclusive services? Lots of stories out there to make a payment on the playstore with updated credit card info etc etc, it's actually a bit different, but not that much.

There are 3 places where you need to update your location information, all of them on Google Payments:

  1. in Payment Methods, change the billing address of all your payment methods;
  2. in Address Book, change the default shipping address;
  3. in Settings, change your home address.
Once that's done, wait some minutes, and you might also want to logout/login again in your Google account (even tho Google support will tell it's not necessary, it didnt work for me otherwise) and you should be ready to go.

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