
Is being pirated sign of success?

I don't know (and I don't think so) but for sure it's less money in my pocket :)

Anyhow, just the other day I found my book was available for "free download" in a post on a rapidshare forum.

I don't bother too much, it just a strange feeling...


Joe said...

Not necessarily. It could be the reverse.

You aren't harmed financially if someone who would never consider buying your book gets it as a free download. You are hurt if someone who would otherwise pay gets a free copy, but if "piracy" gets the book more widely known, so more people hear about it, this might increase sales.

Sandro Tosi said...

@Joe: yes, I know: it's the same reasoning used for mp3 downloads :) We'll see if it helped or now.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer said...

I loved the last link :)

Unknown said...

You should read some of the intros to Cory Doctorow's books to understand why this is a good thing.

AB said...

All the news books get in download pages, it does not matter whether the book is good or not :)

Anonymous said...

Just because somebody downloaded your book for free does not mean that "for sure it's less money in your pocket."


Anonymous said...

FWIW, your blog RSS (and thus Plänet Debian) has code like the following in it (replaced angle-brackets):

〈div class="blogger-post-footer"〉〈img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/462006525194985726-7884088453638674494?l=sandrotosi.blogspot.com" alt="" height="1" width="1" /〉〈/div〉

This is… bad, from a privacy standpoint especially. Got this warning due to Konqueror’s broken SSL implementation, actually…

Sandro Tosi said...

@mirabilos: would you care to explain why you think this is "bad"?

also, do you really think this is something up for a comment in a random blog post instead of an email directly to me?