
HOWTO remove Reddit (web) "Recent" list of communities

If you go on reddit.com via browser, on the left column you can see a section called "RECENT" with the list of the last 5 communities recently visited.

If you want to remove them, say for privacy reasons (shared device, etc.), there's no simple way to do so: there's not "X" button next to it, your profile page doesn't offer a way to clear that out. you could clear all the data from the website, but that seems too extreme, no?

Enter Chrome's "Developer Tools"

While on reddit.com open Menu > More Tools > Developers tool, go on the Application tab, Storage > Local storage and select reddit.com; on the center panel you see a list of key-value pairs, look for the key "recent-subreddits-store"; you can see the list of the 5 communities in the JSON below.

If you wanna get rid of the recently viewed communities list, simply delete that key, refresh reddit.com and voila, empty list.

Note: I'm fairly sure i read about this method somewhere, i simply cant remember where, but it's definitely not me who came up with it. I just needed to use it recently and had to back track memories to figure it out again, so it's time to write it down.

1 comment:

xrogaan said...

You can also go to old.reddit.com and that list never gets populated.